Re: Confused about $data=undef in API documentation

On Jul 11, 2009, at 10:58 AM, Joseph Thames wrote:


I am confused about your use of $data=undef in the Glib documentation, as in:
unsigned = $instance->signal_connect ($detailed_signal, $callback, $data=undef)
        • $detailed_signal (string)
        • $callback (subroutine)
• $data (scalar) arbitrary data to be passed to each invocation of callback
Does this simply mean that undef (NULL) is the default value of the $data parameter, or does it mean that passing unique user_data to a callback is not yet supported in this API?
Yes, it means that if you don't specify that argument, it will be  
treated as though you passed undef.  The syntax is borrowed from C++'s  
default parameters.

I am trying to figure out a way to employ a common callback function for an "unlimited" number of menu items (determined at run-time) by passing unique user_data for each signal.
This does not seem to be supported by the $builder->connect_signals  
method, which can only pass the same user_data to a group of unique  
callback functions.
Your single callback is free to inspect the widget / object names (as  
set in the xml) and dispatch to the correct place based on that.

Doing a good job around here is like wetting your pants in a dark suit; you get a warm feeling, but no one notices.
  -- unknown

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