Re: Gtk2::TreeView get_path_at_pos doesn't return array on Windows

Peter Juhasz wrote:
(I was instructed on Perlmonks to post this problem here.)

I'm writing a Gtk2-Perl app with a Gtk2::Ex::Simple::List (which is
derived from TreeView, hence the title).

I want to set up one of the columns in a special way, specifically, I
want this column to hold values from a short list, and each click on a
cell in this column should toggle the next value from the
pre-specified list. Run the attached code for clarification.

Obviously, for this I need to know which column did the user click into.
Thanks for the nice example, which works for me on Linux. I don't have a
 M$ box so can't help you with why it doesn't work there. But maybe
there's a neater other way. Have you tried:

 my ($path, $column) = $tslist->get_cursor;

instead of get_path_at_pos() ?

Cheers, Dave

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