Re: Fullscreen mode

tis 2010-04-20 klockan 08:31 +1000 skrev Kevin Ryde: 
Pelle Nilsson <pellenilsson fastmail fm> writes:
resize the socket the size of the screen,
Is that the right thing to do?  That might be cause the size to stick on
going unfullscreen.
Ah! I switched to letting the socket fill out the screen/window by
itself, and that solved it. Thanks!

repack all other widgets
Perhaps $vbox->hide instead of removing.
Yes, makes simpler code at least.

To solve this, I store the window size through $window->get_size before
going into fullscreen, and try to go back to this size with
$window->resize when leaving fullscreen.
Dunno who's supposed to remember the unfullscreen size, but I wouldn't
think it's explicit app code.
No, I knew this was a very ugly work-around, and now I don't need it
anymore. HOWEVER, whoever remembers the unfullscreen size forgets to
remember the maximized flag, so jumping into and out of fullscreen has
the unwanted effect of restoring the window to its last non-maximized
state. I guess this must be a bug in Gtk-perl, Gtk or the window manager


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