RE: Unable To Keep Showing Last Item In Gtk2::TreeView

Williams, James P2 <james p2 williams lmco com> wrote:
How can I keep my automatic scrolling, even after these kinds of events?
Iâve tried reacting to various signals, but the tree view seems too stale
for $tree->get_visible_range() or $tree->scroll_to_cell() to work.
You might react to "size-allocate" events, but a slightly different approach
is necessary. Here's a hack around your test code:

Your suggestion was enough to get something running.  I had to keep track of how many items were added, and 
had to watch for scroll bar changes.  As far as I can tell, the scroll bar stays at the bottom now unless I 
move it, even if I resize the window to be shorter.  My modified version follows, for reference.




use strict;
use warnings;

use Glib qw(TRUE FALSE);
use Gtk2 -init;


Glib::Timeout->add(1000,sub {tickCB($tree)});


# Creates the widgets in the application.  Returns the main
# window and tree view.
sub createWin

   $win=new Gtk2::Window();
   $win->signal_connect(destroy => \&Gtk2::main_quit);

   $win->add($scroll=new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow());
   $scroll->add($tree=new Gtk2::TreeView());

      new Gtk2::CellRendererText(),text => 0);
      new Gtk2::ListStore('Glib::String'));

      size_allocate => sub {sizeCB(\$mustScroll,@_)});

      row_inserted => sub {rowCB(\$mustScroll,$tree,@_)});

      value_changed => sub {$numAdded=0});


   return ($win,$tree);

# Called at regular intervals to add more random "words" to
# the bottom of the tree view.  If the previous word was
# visible beforehand, scrolls the tree view so the new
# words are visible.
sub tickCB
   my($tree)= _;

   return TRUE;

# Adds random "words" to the bottom of the tree view.
sub addWords
   my($model,$numAdd)= _;
   my(@cons)=grep !/[aeiou]/,'a' .. 'z';

   for (1 .. $numAdd) {
         $cons[rand @cons] . 'oo');

# Scrolls the tree view so the last row is visible.
sub showLast
   my($tree,$mustScroll)= _;

      new Gtk2::TreePath($numRows-1),undef,TRUE,0.0,1.0);

# Called each time the tree view is resized.  This is where
# we correct the scroll bar, moving it to the bottom if
# appropriate.
sub sizeCB
   my($mustScroll,$tree,$rect)= _;

   showLast($tree,$mustScroll) if $$mustScroll;

# Called each time a row is added to the model.
sub rowCB
   my($mustScroll,$tree,$model,$path,$it)= _;

   if ($tree->realized()) {
      $$mustScroll=$lastVis &&
         $lastVis->get_indices() == $numRows-2-$numAdded;
   } else {

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