Re: Poppler binding bug / G::O::I

Le lun. 7 oct. 2019 à 16:54, Brian Manning <cpan xaoc org> a écrit :
The commited fix results in:
*** Poppler::Document::new_from_data: passed too many parameters
(expected 3, got 4); ignoring excess at t/arrays.t line 204.
need an array ref to convert to GArray at t/arrays.t line 204.
In addition to the above test error if you *do* have Poppler
installed, the value for skipping the new Poppler tests was set to
'1', as in "skip one test", and there's actually 16 Poppler tests that
need to be skipped if the Poppler library is not installed.  The
attached patch fixes the test count.  If nobody sees any problems with
it, I'll commit it, and wait for a decision and/or patch that takes
care of the above param count error before releasing G:O:I 0.048.
err... the skip patch has already been committed at end of september AFAIK???

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