Re: [gtk-win32] gdk_pixbuf and "png" format files.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tor Lillqvist"
Your gdk-pixbuf library on Windows is broken? From where exactly did
you get it?

I downloaded it from the main site, here:-

though admittedly about a year ago (gdk_pixbuf is part of the gtk+ package).
My version is 2.14.7 whereas it looks like the current version is 2.18.5.
I could install the latest version and see if it makes a difference.

Did you move files around after unpacking it, if it came
in the form of a zip archive?

Not really.  The basic path structure was preserved during installation but
I did copy the DLLs to C:\Windows\System32 (so that they'd be easily found
without me needing to add any extra entries to my system path).

Another thing I could try might be to call the DLL funcs directly using
LoadLibrary() and GetProcAddress() (i.e. bypassing the link lib).  I guess
I'd still need to initialize gtk by calling gtk_init().  Would there be any
extra initialization needed before I could use functions from

Or does the Win32 version maybe need some extra initialization that isn't
needed for the other platforms?



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