Re: Regarding Gtkdatabox API document..

Hi Nisha,

currently, the header files and the examples are the only documentation available (start with basics :-)).
Whenever I find time, I am working on an API documentation, but it far 
from being complete and therefore not released yet.
Until then: What kind of function are you looking for?



nisha jain wrote:
Hi All,
I am using Gtkdatabox APIs in my application for making GUI.
I want to know if there is some tutorial or document which describes
about the functions provided by this library? I tried search but couldn't
find... Only some snap shots are there under the link...
Please let me know or i have to read each .c and .h file to understand
what the function does? Actually i understand by the name of function
but i am looking for some particular function....
Thanks and Regards,


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