Re: [gtkdatabox] updated cairo-alpha branch


On 11/16/2012 07:07 AM, Amish S. Dave wrote:
> I've pushed my gtk3 patches to the cairo-alpha branch.
> I also brought that branch up to speed with some of Matt's and Lars'
> patches to the master branch.

I see that you have applied these changes by hand. There is the `git
cherry-pick` which allows you to take a commit from another branch and have it
applied to the current one.

E.g. `git cherry-pick e6d55a986`

> the box shadow patches are in, but not really supported (not translated
> into cairo commands yet).
> There is a bug in the setting the location of vertically oriented text
> on a vertically oriented ruler.  Anyone up for tracking this down?
> Sincerely,
> -- 
> Amish

I have applied some your changes to the master branch and it now builds fine

- Lars

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