Re: [GtkGLExt] Multiple OpenGL widgets with a single context (Staffan Gimaker)

    A context will share buffer objects, shaders, display lists et al - 
in fact I am using PBO's in one of my GL apps with a shared context 
without a problem.
    The only tricky issue is making sure to use a locking mechanism 
with any threads that will use the GL context - you should assume that 
most GL drivers aren't thread-aware, so before any GL calls, lock the 
specific thread before using the shared context.

On 10/11/2010 22:35, Staffan Gimåker wrote:
Thanks for the reply.

However, I'm using a lot of vertex buffer objects that also needs to be shared between the different widgets, and I'm not quite sure they are shared through the use of a share list? According to the GLX specification display lists and texture objects are shared, but there's no mention of VBOs. Are they shared as well?


On Nov 10, 2010, at 8:26 PM, Jose Commins wrote:

This post should solve your problems:


On 10/11/2010 12:00, Staffan Gimaker wrote:

What's the recommended way to create a *single* OpenGL context that can
be used for multiple widgets (in the same window)?

My current approach creates a context for the main window, containing
all the GL-capable widgets, and uses that context for all the widgets.
It works for my Linux box but messes up redrawing in XQuartz, and there
are mysterious crashes on other machines that I suspect are related to


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