Re: [gtkmm] get method inconsistencies

Am 08.08.2002 10:01 schrieb(en) Murray Cumming:
On Wed, 2002-08-07 at 22:40, Andreas Holzmann wrote:
> color.h  Color  red_p()   -> get_red_p()
>                 green_p() -> get_green_p()
>                 blue_p()  -> get_blue_p()

I will allow these changes now, because there is a clear inconsistency
in that class itself. You could add TODO comments to the others, for
some future API freeze.
Weren't there also some occurencies of get_size() listet in Andreas'
original mail (or was it is_empty())? There should be a clear policy where
we use STL names (size(), empty(), ...) and where we use gtk names
(get_size(), is_empty(), ...). It's now or never to sort this out!



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