Re: [Re: [Re: [Re: [[gtkmm] technical question: GTKMM_LIFECYCLE]]]]

Am 01.10.2002 02:08 schrieb(en) Carl Nygard:
On Mon, 2002-09-30 at 11:48, Martin Schulze wrote:

I hesitate to jump in here, because I have no clue what Gst does (you're
wrapping Gstreamer right?).
I'm glad on anyones input. Asking questions is the best thing you can do.

BUT, I have a few observations from an outsider's perspective, and
perhaps (just perhaps) this might make sense.

After that singularly inspiring caveat, see comments below:

> The Gst::Object wrapper based on Gtk::Object is already done.
> It is based on Gtk::Object because GstObject and GtkObject (or better
> GtkWidget which adds the methods set_parent() and unparent()) behave
> _identically_ (apart from container destruction).
> And no, there isn't any problem. The following example code will work
> fine with gstmm, as soon as some more wrapper classes are available:
> (Gst::Bin is a container class for Gst::Object instantiations):
> void test1()
> {
>    // my_pad won't be deleted until our reference is out of scope.
>    // Gst::RefPtr<> is identical to Glib::RefPtr<> but
>    // Gst::RefPtr<>::operator=() references and sinks the object.

Then it's not identical to Glib::RefPtr<>.  If you're going to use the
same naming convention, then (from a user's perspective) it better do
the exact same thing (at least semantically, if not technically).

If it doesn't do the same thing, then name it differently.
Okay. The last thing I want to do is to confuse the user. (I didn't
commit Gst::RefPtr<> to CVS so far. It's low priority because it's
convinience stuff. But I want to be able to add it at a later point.)

>    // => my_pad->ref_count == 1
>    Gst::RefPtr<Gst::Pad> my_pad = Gst::manage(new Gst::Pad);
>    test2(my_pad); // first call to test2.
>    test2(my_pad); // second call to test2.
> }

I may be dense, but if you use some arbitrary smart ptr, then you don't
need the Gst::manage() part, right?  I have no idea what you're doing
with my_bin, but your comments seem to indicate that my_bin only lives
within the scope of test2().
You need it when you want a container to share the object with your
smartpointers. I.e. when all your smartpointers are out of scope but you
added your object to a container before you don't want you object to be
In gstreamer this would be fatal because the container won't notice the
destruction of your object => memory leak. This is different from widgets
in gtkmm. (At least I believe that the containers are notified in gtk when
their childs are destroyed. I haven't investigated this completely.)

> void test2(const Gst::RefPtr<Gst::Pad>& pad)
> {
>    // Gst::Bin::add() increases the reference count of the new child.
>    // => my_pad->ref_count == 2
>    Gst::Bin my_bin;
>    my_bin.add(*my_pad);
>    /* do something with my_bin */
>    // On destruction, my_bin decreases the reference count of its
>    // => my_pad->ref_count == 1
> }
> You have no chance getting this example code to work with gtkmm by
> replacing Gst::Pad with Gtk::Label and Gst::Bin with Gtk::HBox but
> to use a static object and not call manage, currently.
> No smart pointer could prevent the destruction of the label when
> function test2() ends.

On the other hand, if you're trying to use the same pad object in two
different hierarchies, then you're already violating Gtk idiom (I think)
which wouldn't allow the same widget to appear in two different widget
No. The first hierarchy gets out of scope at the end of test2() and
therefore the container is destroyed and the object unparent()ed.



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