Re: [gtkmm] "manage" and Glib::RefPtr

Hi Daniel,

what do you think about this fourth (or whatever) variant of memory management which states at widget creation that the widget is to be strictly refcounted:
 - manage_ref(new ) and Glib::RefPtr<> [strict refcounting]
- manage(new ) and add/attach/... [destruction by container, gtk+'s preferred way]
 - new and delete [C++'s way]
 - member/on stack allocation [Scope]

Doesn't this solve the problem while being backward compatible.
The name manage_ref is debatable. Perhaps refcount() would be better?

Also this looks like an easy/small change (apart from refcounting bugs)

Martin Schulze wrote:
Am 2002.10.08 00:44 schrieb(en) Christof Petig:

Just a theoretical question (which might solve some memory managaement problems if possible):
Is it possible to write a manage_ref 'function' which would ...
- destroy the widget once no RefPtr (or C ref) to it is left
- not get the widget destroyed once it's container is destroyed but unrefed

This would be possible but not trivial: We already implement
our own destroy() callback for Gtk::Container and prevent destruction
of non-manage()ed widgets there. We could also prevent the destruction
of manage_ref()ed weigets. I already tested that. The problem is that
Gtk::Button with a mnemonic starts with a reference count of two after
construction. This means a child (the mnemonic) holds a strong
reference to its parent (the Gtk::Button). We would have to add some
workaraund code for this or Gtk::Buttons with mnemonics would never
be deleted when manage_ref()ed.

(unlike manage, IIRC manage does set some gtk+ flag which enables unconditional destruction)

No, manage() does not set some gtk+ flag to enable unconditional
destruction. gtk+ always does unconditional desctruction. We simply
prevent the desctruction by reimplementing the container's destroy
handler removing non-manage()ed widgets before the gtk callback
can destroy them.

This would allow code like
{ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Window> w=manage_ref(new Gtk::Window(...));
  { Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Label> l=manage_ref(new Gtk::Label("test"));
  // w leavess the scope
  // => w gets destroyed, the Label unrefed (and then destroyed)
and if I understand correctly this would solve the destroy vs. unref problem with widgets. IIRC this would also not force us to use RefPtrs for any function arguments (function arguments outlive the call).

We could not use Glib::RefPtr<> because it doesn't have operator*().
Otherwise I agree.
This would clearly make one necessary. Murray insisted on not having one 
unless proven to have benefits.

PS: rating the ways:
- refcounting: perhaps the new proposed way of handling widgets
[- manage: for backward compatibility with gtk--/early gtkmm2]
[- new/delete: if anybody wants to do it by hand ...]
- scope: for those who prefer it this way

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