Re: libsigc++2 in gtkmm-2.4? (was: Re: [gtkmm] ANNOUNCE: glibmm 2.3.0)

Am 14.10.2003 um 21:41 Uhr haben Sie geschrieben:
> martin-ml hippogriff de writes:
> [...]
> > As for the advantages, I'm afraid I can't think of more
> > than is listed in the announce emails of libsigc++-1.9.x.
> > "Technologically superior" might be a proper term to
> > sum it up.
> This statement makes me curious. I've looked in the
> archives, but only found the announcement of 1.9.7 which
> doesn't really help. Checked out libsigc++2, but NEWS is
> empty. Do you have the time to compile a list?

I will. However, only as soon as I have Internet at home since I can't
write it by heart. (I've moved to another city so this may still take a
few days, depending on the speed of our telephone company...)

> Small changes in the interface? Better performance, less > overhead?

Rewritten from scratch making excessive use of c++ templates. Visible
advantages affect the interface.
Performance is more or less the same; probably +/-10% depending on the
system. Slightly less memory consumption. If you are used to template
code of that kind the structure and the code is clearer than in



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