Re: [gtkmm] Glade-2, libgtkmm, Xml::create, callbacks

Hi, Christer.

Actually, all the information to connect the signals is available at compile time: glade writes out the callback stubs as C++ code.

I'm beginning to suspect that using XML::create() might be a mistake in my case. What I want out of gtk+/glade is a RAD, where all aspects of the gui are defined by the RAD (glade-2), and no manual code hacking is required to redefine things like callbacks that were already defined by the RAD (but ignored by XML::create()).

All I really need is a handle to the Gtk C++ object wrappers to those gtk widgets defined via glade, like what is provided for by lookup_widget when C bindings are used to save the glade-produced interface. There _must_ be a lookup tool provided for this when glade saves the GUI with C++ bindings. Does anybody know what the functional equivalent of lookup_widget is for C++ glade-produced code?



Christer Palm wrote:

Hi Douglas!

Douglas Roberts wrote:


refXml = Gnome::Glade::Xml::create("");


Gtk::Window *win= 0
refXml->get_widget("window1", win);

The button callback does not function.

libglademm won't connect any signals for you. You have to do that "manually". It can't, as libglademm is a runtime mechanism, and the required information is not available at runtime.

window1 *win = new window1();

creates a window where the button callback functions as it should.

This is not libglademm. Here you call the code generated by Glade (which shouldn't be used when you use libglademm - you don't even need to generate it).

Christer Palm

Douglas Roberts, CCS-5          |  "He has no enemies, but is
Los Alamos National Laboratory  |    intensely disliked by his
^                               |    friends."
(505)-667-4569                  |
dzzr lanl gov                   |    - Oscar Wilde

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