Re: [gtkmm] Gtk::Notebook problem

On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 05:02:17PM +0300, Ioan Nicu wrote:
> I think that it would be a waste of memory to alloc multiple TextView
> objects and the associated ScrolledWindows(used to manage the scrollbars
> for the textview) when I can manage a std::vector<ustring> containing
> the contents of the textbuffers and only load the apropriate content for
> the selected page (in the same TextView object)...

Then propably the Gtk::Notebook is not what you want. Use buttons to
force the TextView load new content. Or use a list and put in the names
of all your files you want to edit. That would possibly be nicer if there
are a lot of open files.


Simon Fuhrmann | NightSlayer at |
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