Re: [gtkmm] spinButton in a Gtk::TreeView

Am 2003.09.17 23:06 schrieb(en) Martin Schulze:
Am 2003.09.17 21:54 schrieb(en) Daniel Sundberg:
On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 19:57:29 +0200
Martin Schulze <martin-ml hippogriff de> wrote:

> Am 2003.09.17 17:53 schrieb(en) Liza Klerck:
> > Hi,
> > I would like to add a column to a Gtk::TreeView that contains
> > SpinButtons for each row in that column.
> > Is this possible to do ?
> It is possible but requires some effort. You have to derive a
> custom cellrenderer type as demonstrated for combo boxes in
> the example "cellrenderercustom". If you decide to have a go
> let us know. I'm sure that quite a few people here would be
> interested in helping you if you share the results!

I have done this in my project GSpeakers (
The cvs is here:

You probably want to take a look at popupentry.h/cc and
Hm, I don't see a cellrenderer that shows a SpinButton?!
Sorry - I found the SpinButton in popupentry.h :-)



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