Re: [sigc] Re: [gtkmm] libsigcx and gtkmm 2.4

Am So, den 13.06.2004 um 23:47 Uhr +0200 schrieb Christer Palm:

> 1. An string object is created.
> 2. The shared mutex is locked.
> 3. A shared copy of the string object is made.
> 4. The mutex is unlocked.
> 5. The original string object is destroyed.
> Now, the problem I see here is that the original string is destroyed 
> after the mutex is unlocked. So if string isn't thread-safe this is a 
> problem.

That's indeed another problem.

> But if fail to see how locking the mutex before creating the original 
> string would make any difference. Successfully locking or unlocking a 
> mutex is guaranteed to synchronize memory with respect to other threads 
> regardless of whether that memory was touched before or after the mutex 
> was locked.

That's new to me.  Do you have any reference on that?


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