[gtkmm] and now how to put a button in a treeview ?

sorry for the spam !
I'd like to put a button in a treeview.
For example ...

   class ModelColumns : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord

   { add(m_col_text); add(m_col_number); }

   Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> m_col_text;
   * Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Gtk::Button> mybutton;*

I tried that but i can't use a Gtk::Button in the TreeModelColumn.
The compiler says that Gtk::Button is private ?!?
I also tried to put a pointer : * Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Gtk::Button * > mybutton;
*It compiled but the button wasn't displayed.
I don't understand cause i didn't forget to add this column to the view.

Have u any idea ?

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