Re: [gtkmm] API documentation: still aiming for 100%

I've found a few things in the docs I can have a go at - there's a lot of stuff in GDK, but I don't feel I understand it well enough to have a go at that yet. gtkmm offers plenty of work though. One thing I would like to know though, if we need to override the automatic documentation for a method (I'm thinking specifically of Gtk::Dialog::add_button here, among others, because the docs don't cope with the overloaded version) can we just put a Doxygen block in the hg file or does it require magic elsewhere?
Murray Cumming wrote:
I am reposting this for the people who missed it the first time. This is
easy stuff that just needs a bit of your time. So far the response has
not been great, though Billy O'Connor and Alberto Paro made some

I added quite a lot of API documentation to the TreeView and TextView
classes and associated classes, in gtkmm 2.4. For instance:

I think that 100% API documentation should be possible, and it's an easy way
to help.

Undocumented class methods are probably undocumented because
- They are hand-coded because they use a different parameter order compared
to the underlying C function. In this case you should look at the C docs and
modify it accordingly. Look at the generated html of the C docs because not
everything is in the .c files:
- They are _MEMBER_GET() or _MEMBER_SET() accessors for struct fields. These
needs little "Get the something" descriptions if there is nothing else to

All classes should also have documentation for the class itself. Again, you
can usually rephrase the C documentation for these.

If you run "make doxygen-warnings" in gtkmm/docs/reference/, it will
generate a text file with warnings about undocumented methods and classes.
I'm not sure how complete that will be, but it's a start.

I think we can reach 100%. That would be good.

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