Re: [gtkmm] MessageDialog button callback?

Andreas B. Thun wrote:

Dear members,

how can I connect the Yes/No button to a callback?
Or is there a method I can overload?

if (type == Gtk::MESSAGE_QUESTION) {
    Gtk::MessageDialog dialog(*this, m_message, type, Gtk::BUTTONS_YES_NO);
Dialog::run() returns an int which is a value representing which button 
was pressed. In this case (where you're using Gtk::BUTTONS_YES_NO), 
you're going to get either Gtk::RESPONSE_YES or Gtk::RESPONSE_NO. Other 
such things for different buttons would include Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL, 
Gtk::RESPONSE_OK and so forth.
Please read the book:

specifically in this case the on_button_question_clicked() function

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