Re: [gtkmm] Uncaught exception: gtkmm-2.4 and win32

Timothy M. Shead wrote:
Wondering if anyone else has run into this. The enclosed test case attempts to load a non-existent icon using Gtk::IconTheme::load_icon().
Running on x86 Gentoo, gcc 3.3.4, no problem - it catches an exception 
of type Glib::Exception and exits normally.
Running on cygwin Win32, gcc 3.3.1 (cygming special), and using the 
excellent "gtkmm Developer Environment 2.4.5 for Mingw" from, it does not catch any 
exception, and displays a dialog box "This application has requested the 
Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way" and terminates, despite the 
catch(...) block.
No problem here. I get

(test_exception.exe:2672): Gtk-WARNING **: Could not find the icon 'bull'. The 'hicolor' theme
was not found either, perhaps you need to install it.
You can get a copy from:

(test_exception.exe:2672): glibmm-WARNING **: Glib::Error::throw_exception(): unknown error domain 'gtk-icon-theme-error-quark': throwing generic Glib::Error exception
Glib::Exception: Icon 'bull' not present in theme

This is with gtkmm-2.4.5 and either mingw-gcc 3.3.1 or cygwin-gcc 3.3.3 (with the -mno-cygwin option)
BUT I get a runtime error with cygwin-gcc 3.3.3 when used WITHOUT the 
-mno-cygwin flag, which is expected as it mixes the cygwin (your 
example) and native win32 runtime environments (the gtkmm DLL).
Are you sure you compiled your example with the -mno-cygwin option ?


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