Re: [gtkmm] widget coloring and (some) themes...

B.Hakvoort wrote:

To clearify the problem i've created a small testcase. The program shows
a window of 150x150 with inside it an eventbox with a yellow

Try changing your desktop theme to Crux or SmokeyBlue and see the color
Theme engines are shared libraries that do the actual work of "drawing"
a GTK widget.  There are many different engines floating around,
including the GTK "builtin" engine.  Unfortunately in your case, theme
engines are under no particular obligation to honor requests for a
specific color.  This makes sense, since a theme engine might use
pixmaps or gradients to draw a widget background, in which case it can't
anticipate how to fit your color choices into the users' choice of
theme.  This generally isn't an issue because the Gnome UI guidelines
discourage you from using color as part of your UI, for the sake of
users who have trouble with color perception.  If you absolutely must
specify a color (i.e. you're creating a color chooser widget), use a
drawing area instead, or use the theme API to override the users' choice
of theme engine for your widget.


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