Re: Q: Using 2.5.5-2 with VS .Net?

D. R. Evans wrote:
leyland needham said the following at 2005-02-11 22:50 :

I'm not sure if there is any documentation out there, but this is what I did.
Thank you very much. That moved me forward a long way.

To take a simple-ish first step with VS, I am trying to build/run a fairly simple project that works fine under dev-c++.
After following your instuctions, the program builds without errors. But 
when I run it, I get the following error message:
"The procedure entry point atk_text_clip_type_get_type could not be 
located in the dynamic link library libatk-1.0.0.dll"
This is a bug in atk. Some symbols were not dll exported. Please 
download an updated distribution from gladewin32 and try again.

Sorry about that !


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