Re: TreeViewColumn sorting capabilities

Matthias Kaeppler wrote:
I also don't really understand what all the functions are doing (documentation is somewhat lacking). What do e.g.

1. set_sort_column
2. set_sort_column_id


Add this question:
I am using ListStore and TreeView. Now where is the difference if I sort the data using ListStore's model columns or TreeView's view columns? Both implement the sorting functions.


Gtk::TreeViewColumn *pcol = m_view.get_column(0);
pcol->set_sort_column_id( m_columns.col_name );
pcol->set_sort_order( Gtk::SORT_ASCENDING );


m_model->set_sort_column_id( m_columns.col_name, Gtk::SORT_ASCENDING );

Matthias Kaeppler

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