Displaying simple rows/columns of text (using TreeView now, used CList in version 1)

Just trying to display some simple text organised in rows and columns for the first time with gtkmm 2... With version 1, I would use CList for this purpose, but that type is gone, so what is the simplest way of doing this in the current version?

Actually, I've successfully set up what I want via Gtk::TreeView and friends, but I can't help feeling that it all got way too complex. I mean, this approach requires at least 10 lines of code to replace the simple "new Gtk::CList(...)", and assignment to existing values is extra work, too. Differently put, it seems like I pay a too high price for flexibility that I don't need. So is there an alternative? Or perhaps I've missed some shortcuts available when setting up a TreeView? One thing I didn't quite understand when doing that, by the way, was why I had to set up the columns via the "store" object *and* methods to the view itself.


- Toralf

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