Re: Adding a Frame to a HBox

Marco wrote:

On Thu, 10 Nov 2005 10:31:47 -0600, Bob Caryl <bob fis-cal com> wrote:

Marco Scholten wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: <mail gehli com>
To: <jalqadir netscape net>; <gtkmm-list gnome org>
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: Adding a Frame to a HBox

you have to use the pack_start or pack_end function described in the Gtk::Box reference, to add a frame to a box...

Not necessarily, from Gtk::Box reference:

Because Gtk::Box is a Gtk::Container, you may also use Gtk::Container::add() to insert widgets, and they will be packed as if with pack_start(). Use Gtk::Container::remove() to remove widgets.


gtkmm-list mailing list
gtkmm-list gnome org

If you use the "add" method, then you can add no further objects to the hbox container. This is why you want to use pack_start or pack_end. Bob Caryl

Since this contradicts what the documentation says i decided to try it,
I tried to pack several widgets into a VBox using the "add" method and
it works exactly like using pack_start, i can "add" more than one widget
without any problem.

Just to be sure i checked the gtk+ source and it turns out that add simply
calls pack_start

static void
gtk_box_add (GtkContainer *container,
         GtkWidget    *widget)
  gtk_box_pack_start_defaults (GTK_BOX (container), widget);

Why do you think "add" is limited to one widget?


I think this because in the version of gtkmm (2.6.2) that I'm using because it fails and generates a warning message in the console window of my IDE.


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