Re: Libglademm and Glademm code for Gtkmm

Apologies for two right in a row.

Had to itch the scratch.

The "normal" way to load an xml file is Glib::Glade::Xml::create( fileName ) ;
There is a Glib::Glade::Xml::create_from_buffer call.

It might be possible to do something with includes to make this a buffer. The hardest thing would be doing proper escaping. Does anyone know off hand if valid XML must replace the " character.... what am I talking about, of course its common as crap. Its too late. Anyway, if anyone can think of a way to do this, let me know. It would be neato.
And thats all.

Paul Davis

Arthur wrote:

Hey, guys, if anyone could give me a hint about if there is any advantage of using only libglademm when working with gtkmm, instead of using Glademm generated code, I would be very pleased. Could you send me any reading reference about it?
Thank you in advance.

Arthur Maciel
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