Re: Makefile problem

1)  You probably need -c on the grph_init.o line.
2)  You don't need --libs on the grph_init.o line.
3)  You need --libs on the main line.
4)  You might need --cflags on the main.o line.

On 8/11/06, johannes_vuori web de <johannes_vuori web de> wrote:

I want to make a very simple programm (hence a very simple Makefile). But I have a poblem:

(this Makefile works, and the programm translates nicely)

                 g++ `gtkmm-config --cflags --libs`

But as soon as I use this:
main: functions/main.o functions/graphics/grph_init.o
        g++ -o main functions/main.o functions/graphics/graph_init.o

main.o: main.cpp functions/needed/main.h
        g++ -c functions/main.cpp

grph_init.o: grph_init.cpp
        g++ `gtkmm-config --cflags --libs` functions/graphics/grph_init.cpp

it gives me a error, that is identical to the one it would produce if I would leave the `gtkmm-config --cflags --libs` away from the first Makefile.

Any help would be very appreciated.


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