Re: Gtk style

On 5/15/06, Rob Benton <rob benton conwaycorp net> wrote:
Mickael Drean wrote:
> Hi everybody,
>   I'm quite desapointed because I'm trying to have a small icon toolbar
> by changing Gtk style with the small Gtk app "Theme selector". When i
> succeed to have toolbar as i want, there is no more picture on button
> (create with a Gtk::Stock).
>   Is there a way to have a small icon toolbar AND button with picture?
> I know that's probably a stupid question, but i couldn't succeed to
> solve this basic problem....
> Thanks for all
> Mick

I've tried using Gtk::ToolbarStyle :

But selecting BOTH_HORIZONTAL only gives me an icon and no text.
I believe that setting TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ will display only an icon
for 'unimportant' toolbar items and an icon with text beside it for
'important' toolbar items.  So if you want both icon and text, you'll
have to make sure that you tell gtkmm that your item is important (see

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