Re: gstmm add element to pipeline test

José Alburquerque wrote:
Thanks. Yes, I suppose that the slot version might be good since it is how it is done in C by default. I really appreciate you committing these changes for me. I'm attaching a new version of the slot example (which parses the message so the error output is more explicit) and would you also add this small patch which consolidates the Gst::Bus::add_watch() methods into one (if you think it's alright)? It seems better to have just one "do-all" method, unless you think otherwise. Thanks.
I'm sorry, I forgot the changelog.

Index: ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog	(revision 96)
+++ ChangeLog	(working copy)
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
-2007-12-05  José Alburquerque  <jaalburquerque yahoo com>
+2007-12-07  José Alburquerque  <jaalburquerque cox com>
+	* gst/src/bus.hg: consolidated add_signal_watch() and
+	add_signal_watch_full() into one method
+2007-12-05  José Alburquerque  <jaalburquerque cox com>
 	* gst/src/bus.ccg: added add_watch() method functionality
 	* gst/src/bus.hg: added typedef SlotWatch, wrapped methods
 	add_signal_watch(), add_signal_watch_full(), and
Index: gst/src/bus.hg
--- gst/src/bus.hg	(revision 96)
+++ gst/src/bus.hg	(working copy)
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
   _WRAP_METHOD(void disable_sync_message_emission(), gst_bus_disable_sync_message_emission)
   _WRAP_METHOD(void enable_sync_message_emission(), gst_bus_enable_sync_message_emission)
-  _WRAP_METHOD(void add_signal_watch(), gst_bus_add_signal_watch)
-  _WRAP_METHOD(void add_signal_watch_full(int priority), gst_bus_add_signal_watch_full)
+  _WRAP_METHOD(void add_signal_watch(int priority = G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT), gst_bus_add_signal_watch_full)
   _WRAP_METHOD(void remove_signal_watch(), gst_bus_remove_signal_watch)
+  _IGNORE(gst_bus_add_signal_watch)
 #m4 _CONVERSION(`GstMessage*',`const Glib::RefPtr<Message>&', `Glib::wrap($3, true)')
   _WRAP_SIGNAL(void message(const Glib::RefPtr<Message>& message), "message")

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