Fixing the Gst::Message classes

Hi. I'm thinking of working on the Gst::Message class in such a way so that when messages are sent out to the Gst::Bus they are the right type (e.g. Gst::MessageError when an error occurs instead of just a Gst::Message). I'm looking at things and see that Gst::Message should inherit from Gst::MiniObject (see I made a small change to message.hg and miniobject.h which makes Gst::Message inherit from Gst::MiniObject just fine (which I'm attaching), I'm just not sure if it's the best change. I'm noticing that both Gst::MiniObject and Gst::Message both now have reference()/unreference() methods, but Gst::Message can use the Gst::MiniObject methods without having to implement its own (in fact, the gst_message_{ref,unref} are actually macros calling gst_mini_object_{ref,unref} respectively).
I was thinking of changing the "_CLASS_OPAQUE_REFCOUNTED(Message, 
GstMessage, NONE, gst_message_ref, gst_message_unref)" line in 
message.hg to something like "_CLASS_GOBJECT(Message, GstMessage, 
GST_MESSAGE, Gst::MiniObject, GstMiniObject)".  Is this a good 
approach?  I suspect that miniobject.{h,cc} will probably have to change 
some also, but I just want to get a sense as to where to begin or if I'm 
not going about things the right way.  BTW, is this the right place/way 
to ask these questions?  Thanks.
Index: gst/gstmm/miniobject.h
--- gst/gstmm/miniobject.h	(revision 99)
+++ gst/gstmm/miniobject.h	(working copy)
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
-#include <glibmm/objectbase.h>
 #include <gst/gstminiobject.h>
 namespace Gst
 //This is a base class for gstreamer objects.
-class MiniObject : Glib::ObjectBase
+class MiniObject
Index: gst/src/message.hg
--- gst/src/message.hg	(revision 99)
+++ gst/src/message.hg	(working copy)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#include <gstmm/object.h>
+#include <gstmm/miniobject.h>
 #include <gstmm/structure.h>
 #include <gstmm/format.h>
 #include <gstmm/element.h>
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 namespace Gst
-  class Message
+  class Message : public MiniObject
       _CLASS_OPAQUE_REFCOUNTED(Message, GstMessage, NONE, gst_message_ref, gst_message_unref)

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