Re: Need help w/ DrawingArea & its signals


your info is WORKING!!!!!

I NEVER would have guessed that I'd have to "add" an event which is for a specific signal emission to work for a subclass of a GTK::Widget, such as DrawingArea. But I did. Very strange indeed.
Thank you so much.  You've saved me LOTS of headaches!

Jonathon Jongsma wrote:
On 6/27/07, Allen <allen saucier cas-inc com> wrote:

could someone possibly tell me why Gtk::DrawingArea is not recognising
all of the Gtk::Widget signals that G::Widgets can emit?

I'm trying to capture mouse clicks in a G::DA widget and it's driving me
nutts! not to be able to capture those clicks.  Does anyone have a
suggestions as to how I may do this?

Thanks everyone.  I appreciate any and all help.
Gtk::Widget::add_events() ?

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