Re: Skin like winamp, is it possible?

Alexies Knight wrote:
> Good day!!!
> I am developing an application, and I am using gtkmm in creating the gui
> of
> my application, what I would like to create is a skin like winamp skin. Is
> it possible with the use of gtk? This is the sample of the skin that I
> would
> like to create.
> Any help would be consider.. Thanks!

Hi Alexies,

I too want a skinnable app. My current studies lead me to believe this might
be possible with Gtk::Widget::shape_combine_mask(), but so far I haven't
produced correct results.

I'll let you know if I manage anything interesting.

There is a very old example file called wheelbarrow.c which uses a character
string instead of image files. It isn't in the sample directory or on the
official server any more. I guess it's broken under the current Gtkmm. I
found it on Google.

It seems alpha blending is not possible at all, but simple transparency
should work.

Adam J Richardson

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