Re: connecting to GtkBuilder signals

Am 03.05.2010 13:58, schrieb Piscium:
What I am looking for is something in-between the two approaches, that is, a way to have encapsulation to keep the code tidy while being simpler than the "derived widgets".
Either you use a derived widget or a built-in-Gtk-Widget, there is nothing between. But you don't have to derive every widget you use, a common approach is to derive every top-level-widget to store their members and leave buttons etc. as built-in Gtk::Button's.

My approach seems to work well for the simple case of two buttons. Would it work well for more complicated widgets?
why not?
If yes to the above, is my approach good C++ code or just an ugly hack? Or something in between?
I would derive the Top-Level window like so:

class Window
 : public Gtk::Window
Window(BaseObjectType* cobject, const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder>& builder);
  Gtk::Button *pButton1, *pButton2;

Window::Window(BaseObjectType* cobject, const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder>& builder)
: Gtk::Dialog(cobject)
  builder->get_widget("button1", pButton1);
  builder->get_widget("button2", pButton2);

That is the common approach. Button's are usually not derived (except they contain user-defined widgets (blinking text))

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