Re: comments tutorial

On 2010-05-06 19:57, Blanca Mancilla <mancilla cse unsw EDU AU> wrote:
I have some comments on your tutorial on gtkmm.

I'm actually just starting the first chapter and as a beginner
I find it hard to follow. I had read abou half othe gtk+ with C
but given that I need C++ I moved to gtkmm. First I brushed up
C++ with But in the Basics
section there are too many forward references that don't help if
you are beginning. Full simple programs including the instantiation
of objects should make the programs and the class hierarchy much
clearer. Lines and snippets don't help the reader get a whole

If you think is helpfull, I can give a more detail list, of where
I think improvements can be made, (always in my point of view :-)

Feedback is always useful, however the gtkmm tutorial does mention in the introduction that: ‘This book assumes a good understanding of C++, and how to create C++ programs.’ Also, each example links to a directory containing the complete source code, for example the basics chapter:

has a simple example with a link to source code:

which even explains how to compile the source. There is also the API reference, which should make the class hierarchy easier to visualise:

The gtkmm website also has some recommended books:

David King | | davidk openismus com

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