Re: explicit signal connection vs. overriding function

On Mon, 2010-05-10 at 16:30 -0400, José Alburquerque wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-05-10 at 19:57 +0000, Piscium wrote: 
> > This begs the question: are the two methods of handling signals equivalent? Is it always possible to choose either of them?
> > 
> Yes, there are two methods.  Classes that are derived from Glib::Object
> that have signals such as signal_signalname() (which can be connected
> to) also have virtual methods such as on_signalname().  If that class is
> overridden, overriding the on_signalname() is another way of handling
> the signal.

By overriding the class, of course I meant deriving from the class.


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