Re: How to load glade files

On Mon, 2010-05-31 at 20:15 +0200, Dominik Gabi wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just finished my first gtkmm application (also, I'm a linux 
> newbie), so please be patient with me: I have a general question about 
> how to deal with the files created in glade. Where do you load these 
> files from? I've just put them in a separate directory "ui" and loaded 
> them with a relative path which, as it turns out, does not really work 
> once you call the application from outside its directory ;) So what's 
> the solution for this? Do I have to figure out the path of my executable 
> or is there a common place to store resources?

That is probably /usr/share/mygreatapp directory. If you have gedit
installed, then you probably could see, that his ui files are placed
in /usr/share/gedit-2/ui/ directory. For testing purposes you could load
ui files from source directory to avoid installing your unfinished app.

> Another completely unrelated question: where do you go when you run into 
> problems with gtkmm? I'd like to bother people in this mailing list as 
> little as possible but there seem to be very little resources on the 
> web!? Google helps sometimes but not always...

There are several places to look for help - very excellent gtkmm
tutorial called "Programming with gtkmm" [1] or API docs [2] or this
mailing list or #c++ channel on Of course gtk+
documentation [3] is also often very handy. And finally - reading source
code [4].

> Thanks,
>      Dominik.


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