Re: Distribuition Problem with gtkmm 2.22 - Themes are not loading.

On Mon, 2011-01-31 at 16:58 +0000, Filipe Apostolo wrote:
> I've lost a few hours around this problem, double checking the listed
> files getting them one by one etc. . And I sent the first email when
> I've lost faith of finding the solution by my self.
> I FOUND the solution 30secons after hitting send email :-P .
> Well the problem is at the provided list  :
> where it says:
>  *"etc\gtkrc*: Contains the GTK+ theme to use (the "MS-Windows" theme)." 
> should be :
> *etc\gtk-2.0**\gtkrc*: Contains the GTK+ theme to use (the "MS-Windows"
> theme). 
> And voilá it worked

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