I suppose you have already seen other replies to your question on
gtkmm-list, with a reference to the gtkmm tutorial http://developer.gnome.org/gtkmm-tutorial/stable/chapter-builder.html.en It contains the example http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtkmm-documentation/tree/examples/book/builder/basic?h=gtkmm-3-2 I don't think I can help much more than that. I haven't used Glade and Gtk::Builder much. I think there is one restriction, though, when you use a Glade file with Gtk::Builder: You should not define signal handlers in the Glade file. When you connect signal handlers to your widgets, you must do it the usual way with pWidget->signal_xxx().connect(.......); where pWidget is a widget pointer you get from Gtk::Builder::get_widget(). Kjell 2012-04-13 07:08, nalin4linux77 linux skrev: