Re: Building gtkmm 3 under win32 (mingw)

if you want to be cross platform you have to use gtkmm2.4, at the moment gtk3/gtkmm3 is not really cross platform
while it should be in future (but nobody knows when).

On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 4:18 PM, Netrick <netrick o2 pl> wrote:
gtkmm is the best C++ gui lib. However, it claims to be crossplatform but last gtkmm (and gtk+) windows binaries are for old 2.2x versions. How can I compile it on windows using mingw 4.7? It seems like I also need to compile gtk 3.4 on windows but it also isn't straightforward. So, is gtkmm 3.x really crossplatform? Any good ways to compile gtkmm (including gtk+) on mingw? Or maybe pre built binaries?

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