Re: What is the minimum number of lines to update a gui window without user clicking a button

Thank you Andrew.

  I misunderstood your first message and am looking at it more in depth as well as your current post.

You bring up a very important clarification I should make from my original post in this thread.  I should not have counted the comments as part of the total number of lines.  Sometimes I post something, and have an after though, but believe the general membership would see beyond my error.

When excluding the important and very well documented comments of Kjell's example it comes up to nearly have my original number.  The lines of code is about 235.  Most of the confusion (for me) is the 11 widgets that, when I try to eliminate, breaks the code and I can't get it to work.  I'm sure, eventually I'll figure it out, the same way if a person looked at the code for LibreOffice, and spent a lot of time analyzing and breaking it down.

When I first started programming and was able to output a "Hello World", I was happy.  It worked.  I made lots of changes and understood it.  When I performed my first I/O  it was just a minimum number of lines and did a strictly limited task.  I was able to dissect it in one short session, then start using it productively in my crude programs.

I'm trying to find this same strict focus with outputting and updating the gtkmm gui (without user input).  If I can understand this, I'll have a foundation of which I could build upon.

Kjell's example has everything I'm looking for, inclusive.  But with my current understanding of gtkmm, it's too complex for me to be able to use.  If all the widgets were eliminated and it just had a simple gui window, it would be a bit easier for a beginner to work with.

At a glance it appears that you might have provided the needed solution (possibly in your first message last week).  I apologize for missing some of the gist, but I will spend a lot of time studying in minute detail everything you have posted.  I appreciate your asking me to point out what might be insufficient.

I also appreciate Kjell's invitation for the community (including me) to comment on problems with his example.  I'm sure, for experts there would hardly be any problems.  It was very easy to compile.  It has a lot included.  However, for a novice, it's a bit overwhelming because it includes so much.  A novice might have to keep everything intact to ensure that the code will compile, then try to figure out where to put his functions.  As I mentioned, in my case, if I remove the buttons and progress bars, it becomes broken and I have to start back over with the full code and try a different approach.

I would like to apologize to the community for being so new and using so many words to explain my problem.  But if I use a minimum amount of words, someone might spend hours trying to help, but might come up with something that doesn't address the problem.  So I' trying to make the problem clear, so that whatever time and energy anyone applies would more likely answer the question.


-- L. James

L. D. James
ljames apollo3 com

On Fri, 2013-08-09 at 23:13 -0700, Andrew Potter wrote:
Mr. James,
This reply has 3 examples. The last time I sent you a complete
solution you never indicated how it was insufficient, so please be
sure read this entire message.

The minimum amount of lines to use a TextView:

//========== Example 1 Begin ============//
#include <gtkmm.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Application> app =
Gtk::Application::create(argc, argv, "com.example");
    Gtk::Window win;
    Gtk::TextView tv;

    tv.get_buffer()->set_text("Hello world");
    return 0;
//========== Example 1 End ============//

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