Re: How to set custom Gtk::FileFilter

No, it does not use regex. If it did, the pattern would have been ".*\.dat" instead of "*.dat".
The description,
or, if you use gtkmm 2
says "Adds a rule allowing a shell style glob to a filter."


2013-08-27 11:59, Mathias Müller skrev:
This works pretty well :-) Thanks!!

I thought it just works with a custom filter, but this simple pattern (does it use regex?) does it.



On  0, Kjell Ahlstedt <kjell ahlstedt bredband net> wrote:
2013-08-27 08:46, mueller physik uni-kiel de skrev:

I recently started with gtkmm and I have to admit that the documentation is pretty good. However, sometimes 
it lacks some details or examples.

Maybe I find some help in this gtkmm mailing list.

I am using the Gtk::FileFilter with mimetypes. My aim is to allow only csv/txt/dat files to be shown in the 
filebrowser. Unfortunatelly,
only csv and txt file extensions are covered with a mimetype definition. The documentation says there is a 
function called add_custom()
but I really cannot imagine how it should be applied. Could you please help with a minimal example how to set 
a custom filter?

May current code looks like this:

(Browser is a Gtk::FileChooserWidget)

Gtk::FileFilter * filter = new Gtk::FileFilter ;
filter->set_name( "CSV Files" ) ;
filter->add_mime_type( "text/csv" ) ;
UI_DATA->Browser->set_filter( *filter ) ;

Many thanks,


Do you really need a custom filter? Can't you use


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