Building gtkmm on windows


I'm trying to port my GTK+ 3 program to windows, and because there are no official packages, now am about to build gtkmm (with Visual Studio 2010). If I'm not mistaken, I have to build the depencies for myself too, at least I didn't find any windows packages of glibmm for windows, which is the first depency I wanted to build. I was able to "install" all of the Gtk+ packages from the official download page (except Gtk+ 3 itself because I want to build that myself as well to be able to debug it). I found no sigc++ windows builds, so I downloaded the tarball and built it without errors.

Now after setting all the include and library paths there is at the moment only one file that prevents Visual Studio from building glibmm. It is the threads.h file, where VS has various problems. But I don't know which ones just come from others so here is the main problem I understand and that seems to cause many compiler errors: There are two structs that should be wrapped that can't be found. Those are GMutex and GRecMutex. GMutex is typedefed as struct _GMutex in gthread.h : line 71 but there seems to be no definition for struct _GMutex. GRecMutex can't be found at all.

Do you have any idea what's causing this problems?

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