On 03/11/2013 03:41 AM, Kjell Ahlstedt
Sorry I did not get back sooner here is the function from webinspector.cc at around line 249. It starts at 235. static WebKitWebView* WebInspector_signal_inspect_web_view_callback(WebKitWebInspector* self, WebKitWebView* p0,void* data) { using namespace WebKit; typedef sigc::slot< WebView&,WebView& > SlotType; // Do not try to call a signal on a disassociated wrapper. if(Glib::ObjectBase::_get_current_wrapper((GObject*) self)) { #ifdef GLIBMM_EXCEPTIONS_ENABLED try { #endif //GLIBMM_EXCEPTIONS_ENABLED if(sigc::slot_base *const slot = Glib::SignalProxyNormal::data_to_slot(data)) return ((*static_cast<SlotType*>(slot))(*Glib::wrap(p0) )).gobj(); #ifdef GLIBMM_EXCEPTIONS_ENABLED } catch(...) { Glib::exception_handlers_invoke(); } #endif //GLIBMM_EXCEPTIONS_ENABLED } typedef WebKitWebView* RType; return RType(); } Here is a link to the github repository I created with the changes I have made until now. |