Re: OffscreenWindow returns empty pixbuf

The documentation of OffscreenWindow says: "When contained offscreen widgets are redrawn, OffscreenWindow will emit a "damage-event" signal."

I connected a signal handler to signal_damage_event(), like so:
  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Test::on_offscreen_window_damage_event));
 And it worked, when I called get_pixbuf() in the signal handler!


Den 2014-09-03 15:32, Phil Wolff skrev:
Yes, I discovered that yesterday, but my end use for this cannot rely on user intervention.

I derived my own OffscreenWindow class so I could trap events. Following the show_all(), I see signal_realize, and I see signal_map, but (contrary to the documentation: "The signal_map_event() signal will be emitted when the widget's window is mapped. A window is mapped when it becomes visible on the screen.") I never see signal_map_event, which is the one that would tell me when to call get_pixbuf().



On 09/03/2014 01:46 AM, Kjell Ahlstedt wrote:

Den 2014-09-02 01:23, Phil Wolff skrev:
Can anybody tell me why this code returns a properly sized Pixbuf with no image data?

When Gtk::OffscreenWindow::get_pixbuf() is called in Test::Test, the OffscreenWindow has not yet been drawn. Try my modified version of your code. When it's started, the window is empty. If you press a mouse button in the window, Test::on_button_press_event() is called, and the label's text is shown.


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