Re: C++11 features, move semantics?

On Sat, 2015-08-01 at 09:21 -0700, Andrew Potter wrote:
On Sat, Aug 1, 2015 at 7:49 AM, Hubert Figuière <hub figuiere net> wrote:
On 31/07/15 03:16 AM, Murray Cumming wrote:
Does anyone see any need for this in gtkmm?

In theory, I guess we could make Gtk::Widget movable but not copyable,
so we could do things like this sometimes:

I believe making Gtk::Widget movable (but not copyable) has a benefit
and could be implemented without too much confusion if we are able to
deal with "moved" Gtk::Widget properly - ie let the programmer know of
the error (like when attenmpting to perform something with a Gtk::Widget
no longer valid since we move it).
I'd also like to see a movable Widget. It's not something I'd need
every day, but
it is really nice to have the flexibility to do a little more
unorthodox things when you
need to.
I'm open to the idea, but I'd like to see some small example of how this
might be used, please.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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