Re: Gtk::Entry::set_icon_from_icon_name(nullptr) segmentation fault

I had not thought of trying an empty string, though it's good to know that this is the usual answer to nullptr's that have become objects. I have tried it and it does indeed work as expected when I pass an empty string.

On a side note, I had already got it working the way I wanted by using Gtk::Entry::set_icon_from_pixbuf and passing an empty Glib::RefPtr to it. I noticed that it does have a default constructor that creates an empty object, so the following works:


However, it does not have a constructor taking an std::nullptr_t, which would be a more obvious way to do it, one could then call:


This models the way that std::shared_ptr works, and IMHO it's more declarative. It should be a simple one-liner to fix this, I'll see about creating a patch for this later.

On di, 2017-07-25 at 14:58 +0100, Daniel Boles wrote:
The documentation is auto generated from the C documentation, which does not always work very well, especially for conversions from char* to Glib::ustring as you saw.

Did you try just passing an empty string? That's usually how you need to mentally translate "nullptr".

I wonder if the documentation converter can possibly do this conversion for us...

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