Re: enums that are really just sets of constants

On Sat, 2017-05-06 at 18:08 +0100, Daniel Boles wrote:
So it seems that the only option is to continue using C-style enums
within classes, e.g. class Dialog { enum ResponseType{} } as
present.. As someone already mentioned, I see no problem with this:
such an enum is not inherently bad in itself; it's only bad if chosen
in o s case where another solution (enum class, constexpr, etc.) is
an available and more appropriate option. As that does not apply, the
C-style enum should continue to serve this purpose well.

The old style-enum won't let us change this, in gtkmm 3,
into this, in gtkmm 4:
without also polluting the API with this

Using an old-style enum would let us have this:
(and Gtk::Dialog::Response::RESPONSE_OK)
which is still an improvement, but not quite as nice.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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