Re: What shall be the version number of the next mm-common release?

Calling the next release 1.0.0 is fine with me. The reason I ask is that the previous version numbering of mm-common is strange. Several of the previous versions look stable. Still they are all called 0.y or 0.y.z, some with an even y, some with an odd y.

Perhaps it's not as important with mm-common as with most other modules. mm-common does not create a library file. It's used only by other *mm-modules (C++ bindings).


Den 2019-10-26 kl. 17:29, skrev p sun fun gmail com:
My two cents. Is it going to be a stable release? If so, lets omit
leading zero, e.g. 1.0.0 for the upcoming version. All unstable version
will be incremented using the second and the third number. 


On Sat, 2019-10-26 at 15:37 +0200, Kjell Ahlstedt via gtkmm-list wrote:
mm-common in the git repo now supports Meson in several ways.

mm-common itself can be built with Meson.
It supports other modules that are built with Meson (so far only
pangomm's master branch).
The skeletonmm directory shows the start of a module which will be
built with Meson.
It's time to make a new release of mm-common, but I don't understand
how mm-common releases are numbered. It seems the minor version
number ('y' in x.y.z) is not used for differentiating between stable
and unstable releases.

The latest release is 0.9.12. Shall the next release be 0.10.0? If
not, what shall it be? Does anyone know?

Kjell Ahlstedt

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