Trying (and installing) gtk4mm (3.97) ...?


(I hope this is the right place to ask...)

I'm on Arch Linux and just wanted to get acquainted to (early) gtkmm4. Unfortunately, there are no pre-release packages (like 3.97.1) in AUR yet. I might be able to build them, but some of the dependencies mentionend by [1] seem not to be released yet (pangomm-2.44, cairomm-1.16, atkmm-2.30). Perhaps it would be necessary to build them from git master, but I think I read something about ABI incompatibility, which would make it even more complicated.

So, is it just too early to give gtkmm4 a try? If not, I would be glad to have something like a guide about how to get started. 

(btw, a gtkmm matrix room would be great. The closest thing I found is a #c++ irc channel on GIMPnet. Maybe I missed something?)

Thanks a lot


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